Finance Analysis and Reporting, LLC




Analysis and



Who We Are and What We Do...

Finance Accounting Analysis and Reporting Services, LLC (FAAR) provides services of a financial, accounting, or analytical nature to investment managers, sponsors, and consultants.  The array of services offered by FAAR℠ is broad in scope and varied in nature.  These services include forward-looking financial modeling, record-keeping and accounting for the here-and-now, and backward-looking financial reporting and analysis.  In general, these services are designed to assist these managers in practicing effective stewardship of their clients’ money and in coherently communicating the results of their efforts.

Specialty Core Services and Tools

Having developed a specialization in financial reporting for investment funds, foremost among the services offered by FAAR℠ are those specifically designed to assist managers of investment funds meet their responsibilities with respect to stewardship and communications.  Namely, these services (referred to as Specialty Core Services and Tools) – 
1) Deliver financial statements and other financial reports needed for fulfilling regulatory or contractual obligations and
2) Deliver profoundly insightful historical analyses for use in investment oversight and investor communications.

The financial statements mandated by regulations or contracts fulfill, most times, the minimal reporting requirements with respect to an investment fund's financial condition, results of operations, and rate of return ("ROR") on investment.  FAAR℠'s quantitative and qualitative analyses begin to elaborate upon that reporting by presenting a coherent story of how transactions and events came together to bring about that financial condition.  What makes FAAR℠ analyses unique and "profoundly insightful" is that by framing the narrative along the lines of how investment funds fundamentally operate, the Fund's results of operations are related to the transactions and events that brought about those results with maximum clarity and relevance.  In doing so, the many drivers of the Fund's financial performance (in other words, the drivers of ROR) are revealed in an extremely easy-to-discern fashion.  Being "easy-to-discern" for investors translates into being "easy-to-pass-on" for investment managers.  The end result is that everyone is FAAR-Better℠ informed.

To achieve this, FAAR℠ has developed a truly innovative paradigm for carrying-out its work…one we have coined as a FAAR-Better℠ Way.  This FAAR-Better℠ framework was developed after a thoughtful consideration of how the economics of investment funds are usually allocated and how fund investors usually transact with investment funds.  This FAAR-Better℠ framework is adaptable to fund structures that range from simple stand-alone funds to master-feeder funds to funds that are part of a consolidated structure. 


 quick  News

FAAR℠ 's initiative to improve financial performance reporting gains visibility through Thomson Reuters news article.  Click here to see the full news release.

FASB is considering a technical agenda request received from FAAR℠ as part of FAAR℠'s efforts to significantly improve financial performance reporting in US GAAP financial statements.  Click here to see the full news release.

FAAR℠ has been engaged by Tecumseh Energy Services, Inc.  Click here to see the full news release.

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